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Knowledge Management Best Practices: Reuse What’s Worked

Posted by Lucidea on 2/7/2019
Knowledge Management Best Practices: Reuse What’s WorkedOver the course of his career, knowledge management expert Stan Garfield has worked with, observed, and interviewed KM leaders to shine a light on proven knowledge management best practices from successful implementations.

We asked Stan to present a new free webinar series on the benefits of reusing proven practices, and in Part 2 of this 5-part series, Stan detailed two case examples (a large systems integrator and NASA) to illustrate what works—and why—for KM leaders implementing knowledge management programs in differing environments.

If you missed the first session, you can watch it here!

Lucidea Press has published Stan’s latest book, Proven Practices for Promoting a Knowledge Management Program, which includes knowledge management best practices, advice and insights drawn from his career as a KM practitioner.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, KM, Strategy