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KM Success Stories

Posted by Stan Garfield on 9/27/2018

Timely communication is critical to successfully introducing a new KM initiative and keeping users and advocates informed on progress and the positive impact of knowledge management.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Training, KM, Customer Engagement

KM User Assistance: The Knowledge Help Desk

Posted by Stan Garfield on 9/20/2018

Offering one-on-one support is a very personal and individualized approach to KM communications. Build a team of people who provide support to users by phone, email, chat, enterprise social network (ESN), and screen sharing.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Training, KM, Customer Engagement

Successful KM Platforms Offer a Great User Experience

Posted by Stan Garfield on 9/6/2018

In order for users to adopt and continually leverage your KM program, you must make it easy for them to access people, process, and technology components. This includes providing an intranet, portal site, or mobile app with obvious links to the available resources. Allow users to quickly navigate to the appropriate sites or apps based on their role, business process stage, and current requirements.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Training, KM, Customer Engagement

Articulate Your KM Vision

Posted by Stan Garfield on 8/23/2018

In order to motivate those in your organization to embrace knowledge management, you must be able to passionately describe the end-state vision for your program. What does KM look like when it’s working? Establish a vision for how knowledge management should work, and relentlessly work towards making that vision a reality.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Training, KM, Customer Engagement

How to Develop a KM Training Plan

Posted by Stan Garfield on 6/14/2018

Education is required when introducing a new KM initiative, during roll out across your organization, and as a key part of ongoing implementation. You must continue to offer training in a variety of ways; once is never sufficient. Please read on to learn the elements of a knowledge management training program, drawn from my new book, Proven Practices for Promoting Knowledge Management.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Training, KM, Customer Engagement

How to Best Leverage Museum Volunteers

Posted by Rachael Cristine Woody on 5/30/2018

Staffing shortages are a common issue for museums. As in many nonprofit sectors, museums manage staffing shortfalls with volunteers. Volunteers can be a huge benefit to a museum because they often come with expertise and skills acquired from a lifetime of experiences.

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Topics: Museums, Training, Strategy

Effective Technology Training for Museum Volunteers & Interns

Posted by Rachael Cristine Woody on 5/23/2018

Museums are now expected to have an online presence. At first, this meant museums needed a website with information about their hours of operation. Later, it meant museums should publish content and information about current and permanent exhibits. Now, the expectation is that museums have a digital presence for all artifacts.

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Topics: Museums, Training, Strategy

Find a Killer KM App

Posted by Stan Garfield on 1/11/2018

Too much focus on technology when implementing a KM program is a common problem. But you will still need to use software applications, so it’s important to understand them and leverage them in an optimal way. Suggestions for doing so include finding a “killer KM app”. Please read on for my thoughts on this topic, drawn from my new book, Proven Practices for Promoting Knowledge Management.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Marketing, Training, KM, User Engagement

Components of a KM Training Plan

Posted by Stan Garfield on 12/7/2017

Education is required when introducing a new KM initiative, during roll out across your organization, and as a key part of ongoing implementation. You must continue to offer training in a variety of ways; once is never sufficient. Please read on to learn the elements of a knowledge management training program, drawn from my new book, Proven Practices for Promoting a Knowledge Management Program.

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Topics: Knowledge Management, Professional Development, Marketing, Training, KM, User Engagement

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