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Readers’ Choice: Favorite Library Blog Posts of 2018

Posted by Lucidea on 12/21/2018
Readers’ Choice: Favorite Library Blog Posts of 2018

The results are in! Our library sector blog posts always have strong readership, but we noticed enthusiasm for three library posts in particular, demonstrating readers’ interest in what guest bloggers Miriam Kahn and Stephen Abram have to say about trends and opportunities for special librarians. They’re worthy of a reprise, and just in case there’s anyone out there who missed them the first time… please read on!

Drum roll please! The favorites, in no particular order, are:

Future Ready: The Emerging New Library/Librarian Experience

Future Ready: The Emerging New Library/Librarian Experience

“While transactions are easy to count, statistics don’t begin to show the amazing impact of interacting with trained information professionals and librarians—and the measurable and transformational alignment with personal, corporate or institutional goals.”

Marketing Your Library: The Benefits for Special Libraries

Marketing Your Library: The Benefits for Special Libraries

“With regard to special libraries, some companies believe that since the library is in place, staff will automatically flock to it. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case despite the fact that their users are a captive audience.”

Embedded Librarians and Information Professionals—In the Thick of Things

Embedded Librarians and Information Professionals—In the Thick of Things

“Embedded special librarians are contributing members of their departments or groups. They are in the thick of things, participating fully in the development of projects, integration of new services, or dissemination of materials and information throughout the organization and its clientele.”

We’re giving Think Clearly a well-deserved break over the holidays, but we’ll be back with brand new content beginning on January 7, 2019.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season, and a very happy New Year!

Topics: Professional Development, Special Libraries, Strategy