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Presto and DB/TextWorks Support Humanitarian Aid Delivered by Surgeons Worldwide

Posted by Lucidea on 6/8/2017

surgery-hs.jpgAmerican Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS) volunteer surgeons operate on thousands of patients worldwide, and they and their teams use Inmagic Presto and DB/TextWorks in very innovative ways to document patient data and outcomes. Read on to learn more about the FACE TO FACE database.

AAFPRS’ usage of Presto and DB/TextWorks shows the flexibility and power of our applications. The Academy can now offer a secure, comprehensive database that allows surgeons to easily enter data, even while in the field—and call up patient information within seconds. Downstream plans for expanded usage of the database include:

  • monitoring trends in healthcare access and quality
  • development of evidence-based practice guidelines
  • support for grant submissions

To learn more, download the full JAMA article and research letter for free ($30 value) while our supply lasts. The article describes the rationale, structure, outcomes, benefits and downstream plans for the FACE TO FACE database in detail.

Per AAFPRS, “In the United States and abroad, AAFPRS surgeons provide complimentary care to those who suffer from facial deformities caused by birth or trauma. The FACE TO FACE program offers individuals the opportunity to overcome the physical limitations placed on them by circumstances beyond their control – deformities at birth, domestic violence, and war. AAFPRS surgeons use their expertise to perform plastic and reconstructive surgery of the face, head, and neck.” In addition to surgical care, their ongoing educational activities help countless other patients, domestically and internationally.

We at Lucidea are extremely proud to support their efforts through our software.


Topics: Knowledge Management, Inmagic Presto, Success Story, Knowledge Management Systems